Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cold Lahar Road Back Cover

1833017p Lahar Dingin Kembali Tutup Jalan

MAGELANG, cold lava of Mount Merapi from the overflowing of the White River in the hamlet Gempol, Jumoyo Village, Magelang District, on Saturday (1/22/2011), re-hit Yogyakarta Magelang main lines, so the highway was closed to all types of vehicle.

Based on observation, cold lava flood of mud, sand, stone mixed with water rushing over the road Magelang, Yogyakarta, with a height of about two feet of water.

Lava flow through a new watershed in the west of the Village Market Jumoyo or about 300 yards east of the Bridge Gempol. Cold lava flows straight from the upstream and would not veer as the White River flows so hit the road.

A resident Gulon, District Salam, Agus, say, point-of Yogyakarta Magelang began closing around 14:30 pm after the water from the White River overflowed and flow over the road and at around 15:00 pm the flood that brought the material begins to flow.

He said the condition of the road in the lane is expected to grow damaged by lava that carry large stones were quite swift flow and erode the road in the south.

As a result of cold lava floods on Thursday (20 / 1) the road was eroded as wide as seven feet with a length of 35 meters. Subsequent lava flood is feared would worsen the condition of the road.

A number of the traffic police has transferred the purpose of Yogyakarta through Muntilan-ngluwar-Salam or Muntilan-Kalibawang-Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, a number of truck drivers choose the type of vehicles parked on the side of the highway waiting Muntilan floods recede.